Enough Said – ★★★½

Enough Said

This is super well written and super funny and super sweet, but I had to fast forward through probably 15% of it due to the awkward moments because holy crap they get into my bones.

Very, very highly recommended despite my 3.5 rating if you aren’t like me and don’t have an unhealthy fear of slightly awkward situations even in fiction.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Crossposted on Letterboxd
Watch Enough Said on Paramount+

Twilight of the Aesir – ★★★½

Twilight of the AesirTwilight of the Æsir
by Dan Carlin, Hardcore History

I think it’s mostly on me, but I just don’t enjoy these like I used to in the old days. I used to devour them the second they come out and now they barely come out once per year and it takes me like 6 months to finally make time to listen to them.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Some Xbox games are coming to PS5 and Switch

Considering this Xbox news being as non earth shattering as it was, it seems like they really (yet again) fumbled the messaging on this by letting rumors run wild and even stirring them a bit by announcing a “business update” for a week later.

4 Xbox exclusives coming to PS5 and Nintendo Switch
The short-term future of Xbox means that at least four Xbox exclusives are coming to PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, Xbox leadership announced Thursday on the Official Xbox Podcast.