The Iron Claw – ★★★★½

The Iron Claw movie poster

God I hope Kevin is truly as well adjusted as they allude at the end of this. Because after all this it would be remarkable for him to come out the other side with that perspective.

Hopefully that postscript about all his kids and grandkids living at his ranch means he really he is.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Crossposted on Letterboxd

Bloodsport – ★½

The first 10-15 minutes of this may be some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen and they somehow don’t bother to start bloodsporting until like 40 minutes in to a 90 minute movie.

The bit at the end where they claim Frank Dux did all these amazing things just screamed “lol, sure you did dude.” Went to Wikipedia and yep, shady as heck and likely mostly all made up including any military history.

Rating: 1.5 stars

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