Super Mario Brothers: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach – ★★★½

Super Mario Brothers: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach

Watched this with my youngest kid in 4k thanks to the fantastic restoration available on the Internet Archive. Looked surprisingly great and considering it is from only one year after the original Super Mario Bros. for NES there were a number of characters rendered surprisingly close to what they’d eventually look like in games 20+ years later. Definitely bonkers in some places and all the toad characters are certifiably horrifying.

Now I’m looking forward to the new Super Mario Bros movie’s post credit scene revealing the hot anime Prince Haru spinoff.

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Beetlejuice – ★★★½

Kids and I love the Beetlejuice The Musical cast recording so much that I finally caught up with this I maybe for the first time so I could see if kids would be ok watching. 

I think I might have tried to watch this when I was younger but thought it was too creepy. I certainly recognize bits and pieces. I was surprised how little Beetlejuice is actually in Beetlejuice. 

Definitely still to creepy/gross/scary to show my kids.

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Facing Nolan – ★★½

Facing Nolan

It was fine. Produced by Nolan’s sons and himself so not exactly deep or revelatory, but was interesting to hear from Nolan and his family and hear old stories from teammates.

It was most maybe most successful at humanizing him as a grandpa. Biggest disappointment was relative lack of old game or behind the scenes footage.

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